Artiste Resume Performer Presence

Are you an actor, dancer, singer, etc. in need of a web presence? Now’s your chance to grab a bargain! We offer full website design and hosting package for performers.
The Artiste Presence Resume (CV) Website costs £299 + £100 annual fee and includes:
- homepage
- contact form
- CV/resume
- photo gallery
- showreel
- links to agent, etc.
The Website Layout
The Homepage (landing page) will include a short description, promotional image/logo and consistent links to the rest of the website.
-- More --Media
Promotional photographs, headshots, still and showreel.
Photos can be supplied via email or CD in a variety of formats, which we will discuss with you as required.
Showreel either as a link to YouTubeVimeo, etc. or the whole mp3 file via
Visitors will be able to send you a message directly from a contact form on your website.
-- More --Hosting
The annual fee covers hosting and domain renewals and can be paid annually, or monthly payments of £10
We will secure (your name or other relevant and available option).

We’ll setup email address and advise how best to access your messages.


Need something tailor-made?
Variations on all of the above are possible, Contact us to discuss
a bespoke package built to your specific needs.