
Feb/22 By

How to Add a New Post in WordPress How to Add Featured Images How to Add and Align Images in WordPress How to Create an Image Gallery How to Resize

How-to use tags and hashtags?

Feb/21 By

What is Hashtag? (on social-networking platforms) A word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used inside a message to identify a keyword or subject of interest and facilitate

Business Cards

Feb/19 By

We can design and order your business cards for you, using your website logo and contact details, and have them delivered direct to your door, all in for £15. 50

Posters & Fliers

Apr/4 By

We can design posters and fliers for you, using your images and text, ready for the printers. Here are some examples:

How to set up email accounts on Mozilla Thunderbird?

Feb/5 By

Setting up Mozilla Thunderbird with your email accounts If you want to set up Mozilla Thunderbird automatically, make sure to follow this article. In order to set up Mozilla Thunderbird


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