Shopping Cart Starter Package

The Shopping Cart Starter Package includes homepage, contact form, 3 shop categories (each with 4 items, pics, details & prices) and logo placement, and email address.
If you have lots more than 12 items for sale, we can negotiate a larger store, or show you how to add more categories and items yourself.
The Shopping Cart Starter Package costs £499 + £155 annual fee
Please complete our Shopping Cart Questionnaire
The Website Layout
The Homepage (landing page) is an introduction to your website and your business/hobby.
-- More --Text
For reasons of speed and accuracy we prefer text to be supplied via email in plain text.
-- More --NB: Web Design Newcastle do not take responsibility for any typing errors; while we will proof-read the site, it is the client’s responsibility to send any corrections to us via email prior to the site going live.
If you are unsure or inexperienced at concise descriptive writing, Web Design Newcastle offer a copywriting service upon request.
Promotional photographs can illustrate your products, services or premises and add interest to your website.
-- More --NB: Web Design Newcastle cannot take responsibility for the quality of photographs supplied by the client. If photos or brochures are supplied, we will advise the client if the images will not reproduce for web at reasonable quality.
It is the responsibility of the client to obtain any permission required to use any photographs on their website. Copyright laws still apply to the Internet.
Contact form
The contact form allows you to collect valuable details on your customers and their requests.
-- More --Hosting
The annual fee covers hosting and domain renewals and can be paid annually, or monthly payments of £14
-- More --Need something tailor-made?
Variations on all of the above are possible, Contact us to discuss
a bespoke package built to your specific needs.