How-to send files for design
Media and content too large to email can be sent to WDN at via
The homepage (landing page) is an introduction to your website and your business/hobby.
This should include a short description, promotional image and/or company logo. We will also build in consistent links to the remaining pages (where appropriate).
For reasons of speed and accuracy we prefer text to be supplied via email in plain text.
Current promotional material is very useful. Web Design Newcastle can retype this information for an additional hourly fee.
NB: Web Design Newcastle do not take responsibility for any typing errors; while we will proof-read the site, it is the client’s responsibility to send any corrections to us via email prior to the site going live.
If you are unsure or inexperienced at concise descriptive writing, Web Design Newcastle offer a copywriting service upon request.

Promotional photographs can illustrate your products, services or premises and add interest to your website.
These can be either existing promotional material or supplied as standard photographs.
Photos can also be supplied via email or CD in a variety of formats, which we will discuss with you as required.
Images can be purchased at extra cost from a stock image supplier, or photographed by Web Design Newcastle.
NB: Web Design Newcastle cannot take responsibility for the quality of photographs supplied by the client. If photos or brochures are supplied, we will advise the client if the images will not reproduce for web at reasonable quality.
It is the responsibility of the client to obtain any permission required to use any photographs on their website. Copyright laws still apply to the Internet.

Use these to give more details on your goods, services, location and really sell your company to its target audience.
These can contain information from your existing promotional material, or can be written and submitted by the client.
Please be aware that copyright laws still apply to the Internet and it remains the responsibility of the client to obtain the required permissions, to use any images, trademarks, logos etc. on their website.
You’ll be able to keep your website fresh by adding your own posts and pics!

Links should be sent to us via email. Please test they are still active first.
Media and content too large to email can be sent to WDN at via